We left Winnipeg on the morning of the 5th, 11:30. Kyle and I snagged first class seats from Winnipeg on Montreal, which were terrific! We basically got free meals (kyle got the salmon, and I took the cheese plate) that re-defined airplane food, and unlimited wine, beer or hard alchohol. Needless to say, we avoided too much of that, seeing that it was only noon! First class seats on the first plane were the ones that you always see when you normally walk back to economy: big chairs, lots of leg room. It was terrific.
When we landed in Montreal, we had about 6 hours to kill, so we checked our bag at the bag check, and grabbed a limo (the small ones, not stretch) to downtown to have a bite to eat. There was a long line for cabs, and it was only a little bit more, so no big deal. Our driver was this insane old man who told us pretty much his life story, which, as it turned out, involved a LOT of sex. He told us he once "had", when he was serving overseas, a beautiful young girl, then her mother, then her grandmother. Quite the story. He also told us where to find the best $40 handjobs in Montreal. Yeehaw. When we got downtown, it turns out that a bunch of the streets were closed for (forgive my lack of proper terminology) a "Black Person Festiva". We got dropped off and wndered around for a while. There was all kinds of music, and the whole downtown was barracaded off, so you could just walk anywhere. Found out a little ways in that I had left my phone in the cab, so that put me off a a little bit, but we found a place to grab a drink and just sat and enjoyed the day. It was a lot of fun. Hitched a cab back to the airport, went to get our bags, and amazingly, the limo driver had dropped my phone off at the bag check (which it turns out was luckily the lost and found as well). So, that improved my mood a lot! We still had about an hour before the next flight, so we grabbed some food at some airport resturaunt.
Our flight from Montreal to Frankfurt was amazing. We got first class again, and man it blew my mind! It was a huge new plane, and the first class was rediculous! You had a private little boothish seat, with your own huge tv, unlimited drinks of any kind you can imagine, and delicious meals and snacks! I had the asapargus and goat cheest apetizer, and the bbq chicken for my main course. That's right, there were courses! The chairs had massage features, and folded down into beds! We also got little care packages, with things like sleep masks, ear plugs, tooth brushes, lotions lip balm, and SLIPPERS! There was also mood lightening in the cabing that sort of mimiced (?) the outside lights. It goes without saying, but that was the best flight I think I will ever be on. Amazing.
We got to Frankfurt, cleared customs, and went to grab a train to Berlin, after figuring out where we were, and swapping our money for euros. Grabbed a long distance train pass that'll get us to Berlin and back on the 12th. Turns out that we had both sorely misjudged the cost of a train pass, and ever with the savings of a round trip, it was still about $500. So, going into this with a LOT less spending money than I had planned, but oh well! The train ride was about 5 hours, but we made it! We got to Berlin main station at about 3pm Germany time (so... 9am Sunday, i guess?)
We met up with Markus, and went back to his place to unload our bags. Turns out that he lives in the Osbourne of Berlin! It's amazing! It's literally a 10 minute walk from everything! After we had cooled off a bit, we went for a walk and got a couple bottles of wine, then grabbed some pizza. After that, we went down to the riverfront, found a bench, and drank the wine. Saw a lot of birds flying around, and lots of boats were scooting around. I didn't take any pictures, but I will starting today. I didn't feel like carrying it around. After the wine, we went back to Markus', then just went for a walk around. That night, we bought a box of beer (20 half liter bottles for $40, insane!) and just went and hung around 'the square' all night. Met a few nice people, and a few crazies. Basically drank, sat and just had a fun night. Now it's 9am here the next morning, and I can't sleep anymore. My body says "no! it's 2am! you still have some time to do fun stuff!" It's a dope.
Markus has to be in school all day today, so Kyle and I are going to just find our own fun. Aside from not speaking German, it should be easy enough!
Radiohead tomorrow! It's an outdoor concert, so I hope we have some good weather. Even if we don't, it should be religious.
If I remember anything fun that I forgot, I'll put it in later!
PS: I've only seen 2 other American Apparel hoodies here so far! Hooray!

yay, so far sounds good! keep updating and i will keep reading
Good stuff man! Live it up!
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