So, 7 hours to Radiohead! Not going to lie, I'm getting very excited!
Yesterday, we woke up, Markus had taken off for school, and Kyle and I had some weiner sandwiches for breakfast... Markus has no food right now... Kyle and I just hung out in Berlin, walkin aronud, looking for gifts, etc. Found a bunch of really cool places/shops/bulidings. There's this little man that they use on their WALK/DON'T WALK signs that apparentally is like some sort of icon, and there's a billion little trinkets with him on it. Werid. Kyle and I found a shop called the "XL-XXXXXXXXXL". Didn't go in, but we made a few pretty safe assumptions as to what it was. We went to the Apocolypse Machine (radio tower) in the middle of Alexander Platz, and walked around there a little bit. We didn't go up, because Markus wanted to as well, and the dink was at school, so no dice. Found a Starbucks! It's completly and utterly the same as the ones back home. Down to a tee. Like, same paintings, same giftware, same uniforms, drinks, snacks, everything. It was nostalgic. So after walking around a little more, we decided to grab some food and head back to Markus' place. Kyle fel asleep pretty quick, so It was just me playing on the computer for a while. Hence this cool new blog layout! Markus got home, and we went looking for fun. We found this huge huge mall (there's a picture on faceobook of Kyle and Markus that looks like they were just caught holding hands, that's in front of the mall) that had about every kind of store imaginable in it... if all you can imagine is cell phones and cloths. There was also a huge (Dale, this is your nirvanna) 3 storey electronics store, like a super super Futureshop. We decided not to go in though, because i'm about 150€ from the sleeping on the curb. We did find a cool Irish Pub after that, under one of the train stations, and sat down for a few drinks. Our waitress was a legit Irish girl, which is more than a little odd. She spoke much better english than German (hopefully, comming from an english speaking country), so it was refreshing. Got home, had a couple beer, and that was that. Not a super busy day, but we all decided that we need to get some energy saved up for tonight, because you know what's happening tonight! (Radiohead)
Oh! Cool thing, our tickets for Radiohead give us free access to all Berlin Public Transit until 3am tomorrow! Not too shabby! That's how you know this is going to be a sweet concert.
TED talk
13 years ago
So if I did my math right you're at the concert RIGHT NOW! And I'm getting ready for work...
Some day I will go to Germany, I will enter that electronics store, and the world will stand still.
The German world never stands still. It's like a shark: if it stops, it died.
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