Monday, August 11, 2008


Well, here's an idea that's doomed to failure. I don't live a terribly exciting life, especially at home. BUT, I have found it necessary to put up a live streaming webcam show. This idea seems like one of my worst ones yet! Hope you have even less to do than I do!

Check it out, if you want. Bottom of the page. It'll always be there... But if it says OUT, it means that I'm not there... You could have figured that out, though.


Andi said...

ok so thats kinda creepy yet amusing. You do know your just asking for people to stalk you with this thing right?

lou said...

webcam show equals BEST idea ever! (except like andi said about the possible stalking...)

Notme2000 said...

Is that lube by your bed?

lou said...

look! i was your 666th visitor! creepy!

Craig A. Bailey said...

It's whatever you pay for it to be, Dale. Also, that's awesome, Lauren. I knew you would be..?