Saturday, August 16, 2008

Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box

I'm super unhappy today. I don't know why. I woke up in Gimli at like 7:30, had a nice breakfast with my mom, and then headed back to Winnipeg. It wasn't a bad day at all, but i was absolutely miserable. I was borderline tears the whole ride back, which is very odd, because I have no idea why. Maybe I'm just tired. Maybe I have some kind of chemical imbalance right now. I don't know, but it's frustrating. Blech. It's a beautiful day, I'm up early, I should do something, but I can't motivate myself to get out of my teeny tiny apartment. What a weird day so far.
I don't like it.

After years of waiting
Nothing came
As your life flashed before your eyes
You realize

I'm a reasonable man
get off, get off, get off my case
I'm a reasonable man
get off my case, get off my case

After years of waiting

After years of waiting
Nothing came
And you realize your looking, looking in the wrong place

1 comment:

lou said...

i'm sorry you've had a bad day. sometimes these kinds of days have to happen. i think they've been hitting a lot of people recently.

i hope tomorrow is better :)