Monday, July 7, 2008

Blue is the New Green.

I had a stint where I wasn't doing anything today, and despite all the setbacks from a German keyboard, and German internet explorer, I managed to change my blog's layout. I like this one better. It's also no longer called "The Red Basin", which is due to the fact that I totally stopped writing that thing a while ago. It's now lovingly refered to as "Craig A Bailey Presents:". And FINALLY, change your homepages from "" to the much classier "". There, now you have something to do on a Monday night! You owe me.


lou said...

CRAIG BAILEY CRAID BAILEY CRAIG BAILEY! oops, half way you turned into craid...well you get the idea...HOPE GERMANY IS BEING FABULOUS TO YOU! hmmm, i think i used too many caps in the comment...

Craig A. Bailey said...
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Craig A. Bailey said...

I feel so special! You hate capital letters! By the way, this is a lot of fun so far! Radiohead tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!! The tickets look like pieces of art!! Wish you cool kids were here!